![]() 11 Summary and
This report presents technical guidance for subaqueous dredged material
capping. The guidance is summarized as follows:
a. Capping is the controlled accurate placement of contaminated
material at an open-water disposal site, followed by a covering or
cap of clean isolating material. Within the context of capping, the
term "contaminated" refers to material that needs isolation from
the benthic environment, while the term "clean" refers to material
found to be suitable for open-water disposal.
b. A capping operation must be treated as an engineered project with
carefully considered design, construction, and monitoring to en-
sure that the design is adequate.
c. There is a strong interdependence between all components of the
design for a capping project. By following an efficient sequence
of activities for design, unnecessary data collection and evalu-
ations can be avoided, and a fully integrated design is obtained.
d. The basic criterion for a successful capping operation is simply that
the cap thickness required to isolate the contaminated material
from the environment can be successfully placed and maintained.
e. The contaminated sediment must be characterized from physical,
chemical, and biological standpoints. Physical characteristics are
of importance in determining the behavior of the material during
and following placement at a capping site. Chemical and biologi-
cal characterization data for the contaminated material to be
capped are useful in determining potential water column effects
during placement and acceptable exposure times before placement
of the cap begins.
The capping sediment must also be characterized from the physical,
chemical, and biological standpoints. Physical characteristics
determine the behavior during placement of the cap and long-term
Chapter 11 Summary and Recommendations
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