![]() The workshop was attended by 78 invitees representing Corps field elements,
other Federal agencies, industry, and academia. Participants represented a broad
range of stakeholders and included: permit applicants, dredged material managers,
and risk assessors. A list of workshop participants and their affiliations is
provided in Appendix A. The purpose of the workshop was threefold: (a) to
solicit input from workshop participants on risk assessment guidance being
developed for the dredged material program; (b) to identify important issues with
regard to the application of risk assessment within the Corps' regulatory program;
and (c) to identify areas for future research to improve upon the process. The first
day of the workshop included a series of plenary talks encompassing a broad range
of topics. The workshop agenda is provided in Appendix B. On the second and
third days of the workshop, workgroups in the areas of effects assessment,
exposure assessment, and risk characterization addressed important issues
regarding the potential application of risk assessment in dredged material
management and made specific recommendations to facilitate improved, cost-
effective decision-making. A list of discussion items for consideration by each of
the workgroups can be found in Appendix C. The significant discussions and
recommendations of each of the workgroups are summarized in this report.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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