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Exposure Assessment
Workgroup Summary
Environmental risk assessments of dredged material management activities
include an estimate of the potential for human and ecological exposures. The goal
of the workgroup was to make recommendations for developing exposure
assessments at these sites within the context of the current Technical Framework
Document (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)/U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) 1992) and the sediment evaluation procedures
(USACE/USEPA 1991, 1998). This section summarizes the exposure assessment
workgroup discussions and recommendations.
When and Where should Risk
Assessment be Applied?
Risk assessment should apply to only that small fraction of sites where
application of the current procedures results in an uncertain decision. The
consensus of the group was that the large majority of dredged material
management decisions (estimated within the group as 95 percent) have an
adequate degree of certainty within the existing approaches. However, among the
remaining 5 percent, the decision-making process is so uncertain that it requires an
integration of risk assessment within the technical framework and sediment
evaluation procedures. Workgroup members felt that the USACE should map a
pathway for using risk assessment which provides a consistent, documented, and
fully accountable approach to remove or address the uncertainty inherent in these
5 percent of decisions.
The group also recommended that the risk assessment approach be
implemented from the start of the planning process because it is often not possible
to predict from the early tiers whether a site decision will require risk assessment.
However, they cautioned against implementing risk assessment without explicitly
recognizing its role in a site-specific, decision-making process. Specifically:
a. Risk assessment should be integrated into the current tiers without making
sweeping changes to the existing procedures.
Chapter 2 Exposure Assessment Workgroup Summary
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