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It was the general consensus of workshop participants that risk assessment
should be used to augment and improve the dredged material management
decision-making process. The importance of using risk-based approaches early on
in the current tiered assessment scheme was emphasized. However, it was also
noted that the current dredged material evaluation scheme as outlined in the Ocean
and Inland Testing Manuals (USACE/USEPA 1991, 1998) was adequate for the
vast majority of dredged material management decisions (estimated by some
participants to be 95 percent). Participants suggested that the greatest benefit of
risk-based decision-making would be found by applying risk assessment in the
smaller percentage of projects where there is high uncertainty (e.g., no evidence of
acute toxicity but some elevated bioaccumulation of contaminants).
Recommendations generally fell into two categories: (a) procedural
recommendations (ways to improve the dredged material decision-making process
via incorporation of risk-based approaches) and (b) recommendations for
improving existing assessment tools (models, tests, etc.) so that they can be used
more effectively to make risk-based decisions. Specific recommendations
a. All dredged material evaluations must be preceded by clearly stated
hypotheses and explicit statements of what is to be protected.
b. All dredged material evaluations should include early stakeholder
involvement, especially in the development of the conceptual model.
c. Conceptual exposure models should be used to define and develop
monitoring programs for dredged material disposal sites.
d. Databases on regional sources of information (e.g., region-specific dietary
information for evaluating exposure, data from past dredging projects)
must be developed to ensure consistency/accuracy and reduce cost of risk-
based evaluations of dredged material.
e. Screening-level exposure assessment should be used early in risk-based
evaluations of dredged material to focus limited resources on high priority
Chapter 5 Summary
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