![]() for chronic exposures from these data introduces varying levels of uncertainty
into the risk assessment.
If an NOAEL is available for a test species NOAELt, then the equivalent
NOAEL for a species of wildlife NOAELw can be calculated by using an
adjustment factor for differences in body size:
NOAELw = NOAELt (bwt/bww)1/3
where bwt and bww are body weights of the test species and the wildlife species,
However, important differences between taxonomic groups may be over-
looked by this approach. For example, one of the test species for the effects of
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) is the chicken (Opresko,
Sample, and Suter 1994). However, the chicken is often listed as one of the most
sensitive species to the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD-like compounds (USEPA 1994).
Therefore, use of the chicken NOAEL to estimate effects in wild birds may
overestimate the potential for risk. It is important for the assessor to consider the
taxonomic relationship between the test species and the one of concern.
To predict adverse effects, one must know at what point during the life of an
organism that exposure occurs. For example, for many species, exposure to
certain chemicals during gestation may produce severe adverse effects on
reproductive success.
Toxicity end points based on body burdens
Typical toxicity tests use concentrations of contaminant in an external
medium, such as water or sediment, as a surrogate for actual dose to the
organism. However, complex behavioral interactions between certain organisms
and environmental media (e.g., benthic invertebrates and sediment) can confound
approaches that attempt to predict exposure and adverse effects for sediment-
dwelling organisms. Studies that relate measured body burdens of contaminants
to toxic effects appear to have better predictive ability for some compounds
(McCarty and Mackay 1991). Databases such as ERED (http:// www. army.
body burdens of chemicals to adverse effects. Comparison of measured body
burdens in the field to levels known to produce adverse effects in similar
organisms should decrease the uncertainty associated with estimates of risk to
these receptors.
Another theoretical approach, the narcosis model (van Wezel and
Opperhuizen 1995), shows promise for accurately predicting effects of chemicals
that act as nonpolar narcotics. This approach predicts that, for fish with a lipid
content of about 5 percent, narcosis should be observed at concentrations of 2 to
8 mmol of narcotic chemicals per kg wet weight of animal. The range in
expected toxicity is ascribed, at least in part, to interspecific variation in the lipid
content of the animals. A more limited range in toxic body burdens is observed
when the toxicity end point is based on a concentration in lipid of 40 to
160 mmol of chemical per kg of lipid (van Wezel and Opperhuizen 1995).
Chapter 5 Uncertainty in Tier IV Risk Assessments
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