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Overview of Ecological and
Human Health Risk
Assessment Guidance for
Dredged Material Management
Purpose and Organization
This document provides guidance to United States Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) project managers and field operations personnel in the use of risk
assessment to facilitate dredged material management decision-making. It
specifically addresses the management of dredged material in an aquatic
environment. It does not address risk associated with the management of dredged
material in upland environments. Also, the document addresses only chemical
contamination and does not address other potential sources of impact such as
physical disturbance. The intended audience and user community are the individual
scientists and managers making decisions where there are competing interests on the
dredging and disposal management of sediments from the nation's waterways.
The document does not promote risk assessment as a tool for use in every
dredged material management decision. It is likely to be most useful, and most used,
in those cases which constitute the exception rather than the rule. The use of risk
assessment is intended to supplement the analytical options currently available to
dredged material managers by building on the existing technical framework United
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)/USACE 1992) and the existing
tiered sediment evaluation approaches (USEPA/USACE 1991, 1998).
Scientific advancements have made possible the collection of large amounts of
complex information regarding the environmental aspects of dredging and dredged
material disposal. The dredged material manager must often use "best professional
judgement" to weigh and balance among multiple and sometimes conflicting lines of
evidence to reach a decision. Environmental risk assessment provides a stepwise
framework for the integration of complex information to yield quantifiable estimates
of risk including uncertainty. In addition, risk assessment allows the dredged
material manager to make explicit the types of information considered and how a
Chapter 1 Overview of Ecological and Human Health Risk
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