![]() decision is reached regarding the suitability of a dredged material for a particular
management option.
Organization of the document
This document describes the various components of risk assessments including:
This Overview, which provides an overview of the various elements in risk
assessment, the relationship of risk assessment to the tiered sediment evaluation
procedures, and the relationship between ecological and human health risk
Section 2, Problem Formulation, which describes the objectives of risk
assessment, development of a site conceptual model, selection of contaminants of
concern, a procedure for selecting the organisms and humans of concern at a
dredged material management site, and a method for deciding on decision criteria
(endpoints) for the risk assessment.
Section 3, Ecological Exposure Assessment, Effects Assessment, and Risk
Characterization, which describes how to estimate ecological exposure to
contaminants of concern and characterize risk from such exposures.
Section 4, Human Health Risk Assessment, which describes how to estimate
human exposure to contaminants of concern and characterize risk from such
Appendix A, Summary of Federal, Regional, and State Guidance, which reviews
available Federal, regional, and state guidance and methods used by human health
and ecological risk assessors.
Appendix B, Information Sources, which describes the content and availability
of various text and on-line information important in conducting risk assessments.
Appendix C, Food Chain and Toxicity Models, which describes some food chain
models useful in risk assessment.
Appendix D, Toxicological Profiles, which provides toxicological profiles (i.e.,
summaries) for the likely contaminants of concern at dredged material management
Appendix E, Human Health Exposure Equations, which provides detailed human
health exposure equations for various potential human exposure scenarios at
dredged material management sites.
Appendix F, A Hypothetical Example, which illustrates the major points in the
guidance. Each section presents the guidance as a continuous example in a series of
"Example Boxes" numbered sequentially within each chapter. The hypothetical
example provides a continuous example in uninterrupted text, for the reader's
Chapter 1 Overview of Ecological and Human Health Risk
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