![]() Selecting and Characterizing Representative Receptors
What is a representative receptor?
Representative human receptors are humans who have a complete exposure pathway as described in the
conceptual model and whose exposure is likely to represent a reasonable worst-case exposure to the
Representative ecological receptors are organisms whose life histories and habitat requirements fairly
represent the range of habitats and life histories for those organisms with complete exposure pathways
which are found near the dredged material management site.
Why does risk assessment use representative receptors?
It is practically impossible for the risk assessment to address risk to every possible receptor. There will be
a wide variety of species and types of species under the potential influence of the dredged material
management site. Therefore the ecological risk assessment must have some method to choose one or more
receptors which best represent the types of species likely to contact COCs from the dredged material
management area.
Similarly, human contact with contaminants may vary over a wide range, so it is important to choose a
human receptor which represents a realistic but likely worst case from among the range of possible human
How will the risk assessment use representative receptors?
The risk assessment will use the biological properties and activity patterns of representative receptors to
develop estimates of how much contaminant the receptor may encounter. It will use toxicological
information about the receptor to estimate whether that level of contaminant exposure might present a risk
to the representative receptor. By broad extension, the assessment will assume that risk to the
representative receptors implies risk to ecological populations or individual humans.
Select and Characterize Representative Receptors
It is unreasonable to assume that a risk assessment can address potential risk to
every species or every human activity which may be associated with the dredged
material management activity. Therefore, the risk assessment uses representative
receptors. Representative human receptors are humans who have a complete
exposure pathway as described in the conceptual model, and whose exposure is
likely to represent a reasonable worst-case exposure to the COCs. Representative
ecological receptors are organisms whose life histories and habitat requirements
fairly represent the range of habitats and life histories found near the dredged
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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