![]() Example 16: Body Burdens in Winter Flounder
As indicated earlier, the risk assessor has identified a population in the area potentially exposed to PCBs
from flounders in a commercial catch. The proposed disposal site will influence a fraction of this flounder
catch. As described earlier, a tissue concentration of total PCBs can be calculated for flounder, based on
measured sediment concentrations and observed biota-to-sediment concentration factors. These
calculations resulted in a wet weight tissue concentration of 3.3 ug total PCB/g flounder tissue for
flounders foraging over the disposal site. This is the EPC for total PCBs in the human health risk
Reviewing site-specific information for exposure factors
Wherever possible, exposure factors should be developed from site-specific
information. For example, local knowledge of subsistence fishermen may provide a
site-specific ingestion rate and exposure frequency. If this information is
unavailable, USEPA has provided data from key studies on exposure parameters
(USEPA/ORD 1995). It is recommended that the risk assessor use those data that
best represent the individual and population behaviors and descriptions for the
disposal site. For some exposure parameters, default values are recommended. Any
default assumptions that are used may under- or overestimate exposure parameters,
adding uncertainty to the overall analysis.
One method for obtaining site-specific information is to use surveys of the local
population or creel census data from state fisheries departments or local universities,
with review and analysis of the generally accepted survey techniques for the
consumption of fish and shellfish.
The USEPA (1992b) does not provide a default value for the fraction of the
seafood diet obtained from the management site. Therefore, it will be necessary to
estimate this value from site-specific information, fishery statistics, and knowledge
of the species in question.
The USEPA does not provide guidance regarding differential consumption of
various organs such as muscle, fish skin, fish liver, or other organs, nor is there
guidance on other considerations such as food preparation. All of these factors will
contribute to the accuracy of the risk estimates and uncertainty in those estimates.
Site-specific information may provide insights into local cultural eating habits. In
the absence of site-specific information, an assumption may be made for the
consumption of finfish: that people consume fish fillets, not the entire fish.
Fraction ingested (FI) for recreational/subsistence scenario. For recreational
fishes, in lieu of any site-specific catch statistics, or local information, it should be
conservatively assumed that all of the fish consumed by this group is caught within
the area influenced by the disposal site. This will represent the most conservative
case; although it is likely to be reflective of recreational or subsistence fishermen.
Thus, the FI for the recreational/subsistence fishermen would be 1.
Chapter 4 Human Health Risk Assessment
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