![]() FI for commercially consumed scenario. In some areas of the country, individuals
purchase seafood from the same vendors who harvest from a particular area
consistently. In these cases, the catch is not diluted and the FI would be 1. Typically,
commercial catches are not taken from one small area, but from many areas. For
commercially harvested seafood, it is best to obtain catch statistics for the area of
interest from state departments of marine fisheries statistical reports, or, if
necessary, from NMFS statistical reports. Often, the state reports may be on a finer
scale, especially for nearshore fishing areas. The species of interest and their
foraging areas represented in the statistical areas should be determined by a fisheries
biologist. If the state fisheries biologists indicate that the disposal site is particularly
attractive to species of concern, then the FI should be adjusted accordingly.
If a site is used repeatedly for dredged material disposal, it may become
disproportionately attractive to certain species such as winter flounder because the
continual disturbance may enhance populations of opportunistic species. Sometimes
these species are the favored prey of winter flounder. State departments of fisheries
or local agencies should be consulted regarding this possibility. If it is occurring, the
FI should be appropriately modified.
This guidance suggests estimating the FI based on the size of the disposal site
relative to the fishery area; the catch from various statistical areas; and the size of
the foraging areas for the species of interest.
Example 17: Calculation of FI by Humans Based on Fishery Statistics for Consumption of Commercially
Caught Flounder
The State Division of Marine Fisheries' winter flounder catch statistics indicate that 30 percent of all of
the flounder landed in the state come from Statistical Area 4. For this example, Area 4 contains the
hypothetical dredged material disposal site and its area of influence. It is known that the foraging area of
a flounder is approximately 2 percent of Area 4.
FI = 0.02 H 0.3
FI = 0.006
In this case, the FI for the local metropolitan consumer of commercially harvested flounder is 0.006.
Six-tenths percent of the flounder consumed by these receptors will be impacted by the
dredge-management site. If there is reason to believe that the disposal site is preferentially attractive to
flounder, this calculation will change accordingly.
Reviewing USEPA Default Exposure Assumptions
In the absence of site-specific information for the exposure factors, the risk
assessor should use the USEPA recommended default exposure assumptions found
in the following four documents.
Chapter 4 Human Health Risk Assessment
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