![]() Selection of a Toxicity Factor for Exposure of Winter
Flounder to Total PCBs
Black et al. (1998) assessed the effects of PCBs on the reproduction of a fish
using Fundulus heteroclitus (marine minnow) as an experimental organism. They
measured a Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) at 3.8 ug PCB/g
wet weight and a No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of 0.76 ug PCB/g
wet weight. The risk assessor chose a body burden of 0.76 ug PCBs/g wet weight
as the toxicity factor. This is an appropriate toxicity factor because:
a. It addresses toxicity to total PCBs, the COC.
b. It is from a study which includes the measurement of a NOAEL as well
as a LOAEL.
Black et al. (1998) describe the end points in the study as female mortality
and decreased egg production, therefore, the toxicity factor relates to the
assessment end point "Health and Maintenance of the Local Flounder
Risk to Flounder
The appropriate method to assess risk to flounder is to compare a measured
effect level for body burden of PCBs in flounder to the calculated flounder body
burden. As indicated earlier, the selected toxicity factor is 0.76 ug PCB/g wet
weight. This is less than the 3.3 ug PCB /g body tissue concentration calculated
for winter flounder in this example. Therefore, the assessment shows that there is
potential for risk to the selected receptor, winter flounder. At this point, the risk
assessor and risk mangers can:
a. Accept the initial conclusion and employ risk management activities.
b. Employ more complex fate and transport models and perhaps a more
complex food chain model and recalculate risk.
The conclusion of risk from the initial estimates has various sources of
uncertainty including:
a. Uncertainty concerning the actual foraging area of a flounder.
b. Uncertainty concerning the BSAF - the assessment used the
recommended BSAF of 3 which may be overly conservative. A more
sophisticated food chain model may give a more realistic estimate of
body burden.
c. Uncertainty associated with possible interspecies differences between the
experimental organism, Fundulus heteroclitus, and the flounder.
Appendix F Hypothetical Example
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