![]() d. All the models used in the assessment are linear. Therefore, a simple
sensitivity analysis can be performed using the ranges of various
Note that this estimate of potential risk applies to PCB exposures. The risk
from the other COCs at this hypothetical site (PAHs and mercury) should be
estimated as well. Also the risk characterization is iterative. At this point, the risk
assessor may want to implement more sophisticated estimates of sediment
concentrations using data intensive modeling. The assessor may also use a more
sophisticated food chain model (e.g., Appendix C).
Description of Indirect Pathway - Consuming Winter
The management site is within a larger area representing a winter flounder
commercial fishery. The site is close enough to shore to be a recreational fishery
as well (although this example carries through only the commercial fishing
The flounder are landed at a medium sized city on the local bay, and the
consumers are the people in the local metropolitan area. The State Department of
Marine Fisheries indicates that little, if any, of the flounder are exported to a
larger area.
Body Burdens in Winter Flounder
As indicated earlier, the risk assessor has identified a population in the area
potentially exposed to PCBs from flounders in a commercial catch. The proposed
disposal site will influence a fraction of this flounder catch. As described earlier,
a tissue concentration of total PCBs can be calculated for flounder, based on
measured sediment concentrations and observed biota-to-sediment concentration
factors. These calculations resulted in a wet weight tissue concentration of 3.3 ug
total PCB/g flounder tissue for flounders foraging over the disposal site. This is
the EPC for total PCBs in the human health risk assessment.
Calculation of Fraction Ingested (FI) by Humans
Based on Fishery Statistics for Consumption of
Commercially Caught Flounder
The State Division of Marine Fisheries' winter flounder catch statistics
indicate that 30 percent of all of the flounder landed in the State come from
Statistical Area 4. For this example, Area 4 contains the hypothetical dredged
material disposal site and its area of influence. It is known that the foraging area
of a flounder is approximately 2 percent of Area 4.
Appendix F Hypothetical Example
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