![]() 3.2.2 CDF Design and Management Characteristics
The general engineering design and the existing or anticipated management
features of the CDF should be described from the perspective of factors that might
influence the migration of COC from the CDF and the types of resources that
might be exposed to any COC present. Depending on the nature of the project,
the design and management characteristics of the CDF would be considered in
one of two ways:
1. The possible adequacy of an existing CDF for the proposed disposal.
2. The required design of a new CDF for the proposed disposal.
In many cases, CDFs have been used for previous disposal of dredged
material, sometimes for many years. Pathway evaluations will determine if
contaminant controls or operational constraints are required for the proposed
placement in such an existing site. For design of new CDFs, the evaluations will
determine the requirements for the new site, e.g., minimum surface area or
ponding depths and the need for controls or operational constraints. Details on
the engineering design and management considerations for CDfs are provided in
Engineer Manual 1110-2-5027.1
Factors to be considered may include, for example:
Dike construction and height.
Surface area of the CDF.
Design life of the CDF.
Anticipated frequency of use.
Anticipated use of the CDF after filling.
Method of filling the CDF.
Rate at which the CDF will be filled.
CDF management between projects.
Minimum required ponding.
Characteristics of the CDF foundation.
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1987). "Confined disposal of dredged
material," Engineer Manual 1110-2-5027, Washington, DC.
Chapter 3
Initial Evaluations
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