![]() 6.3.1 Tier II - Leachate Quality Screen
The Tier II leachate screening procedure is based on equilibrium partitioning
principles and conservative (e.g., environmentally protective) application of
design and operating variables for CDFs (Myers and Schroeder 2000). The
evaluation makes use of site-specific data provided by the user and default values
for pertinent variables to calculate a predicted leachate concentration of
contaminants in groundwater.
A computerized spreadsheet program is available to perform all necessary
calculations. The spreadsheet, along with documentation, can be downloaded as
an ADDAMS module from the USACE DOTS web site at
www.wes.army.mil/el/dots. If desired, equations for manual screening
calculations are available (Myers and Schroeder 2000).
6.3.2 Tier II - Leachate Decision
After consideration of the Tier II leachate partitioning screen, one of the
following conclusions is reached for leachate:
1. Information is sufficient to reach a decision. In this case either:
a. Standards applicable to the intended use of the groundwater (Section
6.1.1) exist for all COC and are met for all COC after consideration
of attenuation. No further leachate evaluation is necessary.
b. Standards applicable to the intended use of the groundwater (Section
6.1.1) are exceeded for one or more COC after consideration of
attenuation, and management actions should be considered. A
decision to implement management actions for leachate, such as
design modification or leachate collection, may require more detailed
information prior to design of such actions. If management actions
are selected, no further leachate evaluation is necessary.
2. Information is not sufficient to reach a decision, which includes cases
where standards applicable to groundwater are exceeded for one or more
COC after consideration of attenuation, and more detailed information is
desired for a decision regarding the leachate pathway. Further evaluation
in Tier III, or management actions as an alternative to further evaluation,
should be considered. A decision to implement management actions for
leachate, such as design modification or leachate collection, may require
more detailed information prior to design of such actions. If management
actions are selected, no further leachate evaluation is necessary.
6.4 Tier III - Leachate Quality Evaluations
Tier III leachate quality testing and modeling consist of a number of steps and
procedures to gather more information on the effects of leachate and to reduce the
uncertainty of the results. All of the steps or procedures may not be necessary to
reach a decision. The testing options and procedures are a function of the
sediment salinity, the possible presence of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs),
CDF site conditions, and the COC. The Tier III laboratory test results serve to
Chapter 6
Leachate to Groundwater
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