![]() estimate dredged material-specific equilibrium distribution coefficients. These
data establish a "source of strength" or concentration of COC in leachate
potentially migrating from the CDF. The appropriate leachate test is either the
Sequential Batch Leaching Test (SBLT), Figure 6-4, or the Pancake Column
Leach Test (PCLT), Figure 6-5. The choice of which test to conduct is dependent
on a number of factors. In general, the PCLT should be used for all saltwater
sediments and sediments containing NAPLs. Either the SBLT or PCLT may be
used for freshwater dredged materials. Since the SBLT test is a simpler procedure
and is more cost and time effective than the PCLT, the SBLT test would normally
be preferred for freshwater sediments. Appendix D contains more detailed
discussions on selection of SBLT vs. PCLT and appropriate test conditions.
Figure 6-4. Photo of Sequential Batch Leachate Test setup
Figure 6-5. Photo of Pancake Column Leach Test setup
Chapter 6
Leachate to Groundwater
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