![]() If a decision about the need for management actions based on plant
bioaccumulation cannot be reached based on existing information in Tier I, the
evaluation may be carried to Tier II. Tier II consists of evaluation of the potential
for bioaccumulation of metals by plants growing in freshwater dredged material in
terrestrial or upland habitats based on dredged material extraction with
diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), as well as a prescreen applicable in
specific circumstances described in Section 9.3. Those metals for which the
DTPA results indicate little potential for bioaccumulation may be eliminated with
regard to plant bioaccumulation, and those metals and other COC for which
further information is necessary to reach a decision may be carried to Tier III.
Tier III consists of laboratory bioaccumulation tests for the remaining COC by
plants growing in freshwater or saltwater dredged material under terrestrial or
wetland conditions. Those COC for which the results indicate little potential for
bioaccumulation may be eliminated with regard to plant bioaccumulation, and
those for which further information is necessary to reach a decision may be carried
to Tier IV. The evaluations of Tiers I through III will be sufficient to reach a
decision about most COC in most cases. In those situations where this is not the
case, a full risk assessment of the remaining COC may be conducted in Tier IV.
The procedures in the various tiers can be applied to evaluate the performance
of existing CDFs and to design new sites. For existing sites, the techniques can be
used to predict the potential for bioaccumulation for a given set of anticipated opera-
tional conditions (e.g., CDF size). In a similar manner, the required operational
conditions for a new site (e.g., frequency of new lifts) to avoid bioaccumulation can
be determined by comparing the predicted bioaccumulation for a variety of assumed
operational conditions. In either case, evaluation of bioaccumulation must be
considered in conjunction with a sound design of the CDF for retention of
suspended solids and initial storage of the sediments to be dredged.
9.2 Tier I Initial Evaluation of Plant
Plant bioaccumulation is evaluated only if the Tier I evaluation of the
proposed project (Chapter 3) demonstrates that contaminant evaluations are
needed and that plant bioaccumulation is a contaminant mobility pathway of
concern for the project. It is important to consider prior evaluations of the plant
bioaccumulation pathway to determine if additional evaluations are needed. For
example, if prior tests or evaluations are available, and project conditions and
dredged material characteristics are unchanged, new evaluations may not be
9.2.1 Compilation and Evaluation of Existing Information
The Tier I information generated in Chapter 3 is the technical basis for the
Tier I evaluation of plant bioaccumulation. Because the Tier I plant (and animal)
bioaccumulation evaluation relies more heavily on a risk assessment approach
than the evaluation of the other pathways, the Tier I information from Chapter 3 is
Chapter 9
Plant Bioaccumulation
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