![]() organized and used in a risk assessment framework. The information is compiled
and used as described for evaluation of animal bioaccumulation in Section 8.2.1.
The project-specific conceptual site model developed for animal bioaccumulation
is also used for plant bioaccumulation, with the obvious modifications to identify
COC for plant bioaccumulation (which may be different from animal
bioaccumulation COC) and reasonable potentially complete exposure routes
involving plant bioaccumulation to ROC populations outside the CDF. The ROC
populations outside the CDF for plant bioaccumulation will be the same as the
ROC populations for animal bioaccumulation. The Tier I plant bioaccumulation
evaluation emphasizes identification of complete exposure routes in the context of
the conceptual site model. There can be no risk unless there is a complete
exposure route by which a ROC can come into direct physiological contact with a
9.2.2 Tier I - Evaluation Procedure
A fundamental emphasis of the Tier I evaluation is on identification of
complete exposure routes to ROC outside the CDF. Complete exposure routes are
evaluated in Tier I if the available information is sufficient to make a decision,
and if there is not sufficient information to support a decision, they are carried to
subsequent tiers for more detailed evaluation. Incomplete exposure routes to
ROC outside the CDF, and complete routes that are clearly involve such minimal
potential exposure as to pose negligible risk of unacceptable adverse effect, are
documented and eliminated from further consideration.
A key to the evaluation of ecological impacts of plant bioaccumulation in Tier
I, as well as in subsequent tiers, is the concept of effect as discussed in Section
2.2.4. Effects are generally evaluated at the population or higher level rather than
at the level of individual organisms, except in the case of endangered species and
humans, where individuals are of concern. If a reasonable complete exposure
route to an ROC population outside the CDF exists, there is generally no risk of
an effect unless there is potential for a sufficient number of individual organisms
to be affected in a manner severe enough to threaten the long-term sustainability
of viable local populations of the ROC species outside the CDF.
The conceptual site model constructed from existing Tier I information is
examined. The site-specific COC and ROC for plant bioaccumulation are
identified. Any reasonable, potentially complete exposure routes to ROC outside
the CDF are described. Any incomplete exposure routes to ROC outside the CDF
and any potentially complete routes that clearly involve such minimal potential
exposure as to pose negligible risk of unacceptable adverse effect are described.
9.2.3 Tier I - Plant Bioaccumulation Decision
After consideration of the Tier I plant bioaccumulation information in the
context of the conceptual site model, one of the following conclusions is reached
(Figure 9-1).
Chapter 9
Plant Bioaccumulation
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