![]() 1. Information is sufficient to reach a decision without further evaluation.
This is the case if there are no reasonable, potentially complete exposure
routes, or all potentially complete routes clearly involve such minimal
potential exposure as to pose negligible risk of any effects, to ROC
populations outside the CDF. No further evaluation of plant
bioaccumulation is necessary.
2. Information is not sufficient to reach a decision regarding plant
bioaccumulation. This is the case if there are potentially complete
exposure routes that may pose a potential risk to ROC populations outside
the CDF.
9.3 Tier II Prediction of Plant Bioaccumulation
9.3.1 Tier II - Prescreen Evaluation of Field Plant Tissue
Tier II provides a prescreening procedure that may be used in situations where
(1) a CDF has historically received only dredged material from the project being
evaluated, (2) there is reason to believe contaminant-related characteristics of the
dredged material have not changed since the last placement of this material in the
CDF, and (3) plants of the same species are established on the CDF and on nearby
naturally occurring habitats that reflect environmental conditions that would have
existed in the vicinity of the CDF if dredged material had never been placed there,
but all other influences on environmental quality at the site had occurred. Under
these circumstances, the same species of plants from the CDF and the similar
nearby habitats may be sampled and analyzed for COC and their COC
concentrations compared. If the COC concentrations in the plants from the
dredged material do not statistically exceed the concentrations in the plants from
the nearby habitats, this indicates that bioavailability of the COC from the dredged
material is not greater than in surrounding habitat and there is no need for further
evaluation. Other results indicate that further evaluation in Tiers II or III should
be considered.
9.3.2 DTPA Procedure for Prediction of Plant Bioaccumulation
A simplified tool for the prediction of plant bioaccumulation of metals by
plants is the extraction of metals from sediment using diethylenetriamine-
pentaacetic acid (DTPA). The DTPA extraction procedure is described by Lee et
al. (1978) and Folsom, Lee, and Bates (1981). The DTPA procedure has been
used in a number of studies to successfully predict plant bioaccumulation from
dredged material placed in terrestrial (wetland and upland) environments (Lee,
Folsom, and Engler 1982; Lee, Folsom, and Bates 1983; U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station1987) and compared well with actual
concentrations of metals in leaves of bioassay plants. Sediment from the proposed
dredging project is extracted using the DTPA procedure in both the wet and air-
dried conditions to represent wetland and terrestrial conditions in a CDF.
Reference soil is also subjected to the DTPA extraction for comparison. The
DTPA procedure can be applied directly to freshwater dredged material. For
upland conditions, plant growth in dredged material from saltwater environments
Chapter 9
Plant Bioaccumulation
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