![]() effectively occurs only after the salts have been leached from the surface layer by
precipitation. Therefore the DTPA can be applied to saltwater dredged material
after the material has been prepared in the laboratory to reflect salt leached
Guidance for the DTPA extraction procedures is provided in Appendix H.
Although DTPA extraction can only be used for evaluation of potential plant
bioaccumulation of metals from freshwater dredged material, it is a useful
procedure because metals are the most common COC for plant bioaccumulation.
Because the DTPA is limited to metals, evaluation in a subsequent tier is
necessary for plant bioaccumulation of all other COC. If there are COC other
than metals, the DTPA should not be conducted and the plant bioaccumulation
evaluation may proceed to Tier III.
9.3.3 Tier II - Plant Uptake Program (PUP)
A computerized program, the Plant Uptake Program (PUP) uses the results of
the DTPA extraction procedure to predict bioaccumulation of metals from
freshwater dredged material by freshwater plants and compare the results to a
background or reference sediment or soil (Folsom and Houck 1990). The model
requires total sediment metals concentrations, DTPA extraction data, sediment
organic matter content, and the sediment pH in the condition of placement
(wetland or terrestrial). The PUP program statistically compares the DTPA
prediction of plant bioaccumulation from the dredged material to the prediction
from the reference material to determine whether there is an indication of greater
bioaccumulation from the dredged material than from the reference. Because the
reference material is carefully selected to represent acceptable conditions,
whatever bioaccumulation it may cause is an acceptable level of plant
bioaccumulation. Although statistical significance, per se, cannot indicate
environmental importance, a statistically significant increase above reference
bioaccumulation has previously been considered to indicate a potential for effects,
and that convention is followed in the Tiers II and III plant bioaccumulation in the
UTM. The PUP program is described in http://www.wes.army.mil/el/elmodels/
pdf/ee-04-12.pdf and the program can be downloaded from http://www.wes.army.
9.3.4 Tier II - Plant Bioaccumulation DTPA Decision
After consideration of the Tier II plant bioaccumulation information in the
context of the conceptual site model and the complete exposure routes to ROC
populations outside the CDF, one of the following conclusions is reached for
nonpolar organic COC.
1. Information is sufficient to reach a decision regarding plant
bioaccumulation. This is the case where the DTPA prediction of plant
bioaccumulation from the dredged material is not statistically greater than
the prediction from the reference material. No further evaluation of plant
bioaccumulation is necessary.
2. Information is not sufficient to reach a decision regarding plant
bioaccumulation. This is the case if the DTPA prediction of plant
bioaccumulation from the dredged material is statistically greater than the
Chapter 9
Plant Bioaccumulation
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