![]() Appendix A
Attenuation A reduction in concentration of a contaminant with increasing
distance from the source. Attenuation is specifically used in this document to
describe reductions in leachate concentrations as a result of mixing with
groundwater, adsorption of contaminants in foundation soils, degradation,
volatilization, and precipitation.
Aquatic habitat Bodies of water that serve as habitat for plants and animals.
Background sediment or soil Sediment used as a point of comparison for
plant and animal bioaccumulation evaluations.
Beneficial uses Placement or use of dredged material for some productive
purpose. Beneficial uses may involve either the dredged material or the
placement site as the integral component of the beneficial use.
animals through any route, including respiration, ingestion, or direct contact with
contaminated water, sediment, or dredged material.
processes by which a receptor of concern (ROC) can come into direct
physiological contact with a contaminant of concern (COC).
Confined disposal Placement of dredged material within a confined disposal
facility (CDF). Confined disposal as used in the UTM does not refer to subaque-
ous capping or contained aquatic disposal.
Confined disposal facility (CDF) An engineered structure consisting of dikes
or other structures that extend above any adjacent water surface and enclose a
disposal area for containment of dredged material, isolating the dredged material
from adjacent waters or land. Other terms used for CDFs that appear in the
literature include "confined disposal area," "confined disposal site," and
"dredged material containment area." In the context of the UTM, CDFs may be
constructed in upland, nearshore, or island location types, and a CDF in any type
of location may contain terrestrial, wetland, or aquatic habitat.
Appendix A Glossary
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