![]() Conservative Tending to over-estimate the potential for effects, or err on the
side of environmental protection.
incorporated into, onto, or be ingested by organisms, consumers of organisms, or
users of the environment.
that have the potential to affect receptors of concern (ROC) under the project-
specific conditions.
Control sediment or soil Material used in plant or animal bioaccumulation
evaluations to ensure that extraneous factors do not affect the results.
Criteria Laboratory derived values from which standards are developed.
Diffusion The transport of contaminants by random molecular motion and
particles in air or water by the combined effects of shear and diffusion.
Dispersion is specifically used in this document to describe dilution of volatile
emissions in air.
Discharge See Dredged material discharge
Disposal See Confined disposal.
Disposal site or area A precise geographical area within which disposal of
dredged material occurs.
Dredged material Material excavated from waters of the United States or
ocean waters. The term dredged material refers to material which has been
dredged from a water body, while the term sediment refers to material in a water
body prior to the dredging process.
Dredged material discharge In the context of this document, any addition of
dredged material into waters of the United States or ocean waters. The term
includes discharges from confined disposal facilities that enter waters of the
United States.
Effect In the context of this document, a measurable response of an organism
to a contaminant.
Effluent Water that is discharged from a confined disposal facility during and
as a result of the filling or placement of dredged material.
Appendix A Glossary
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