![]() Appendix D
Leachate Testing Procedures
D.1 Introduction
This appendix provides detailed step-by-step procedures for conducting tests
for evaluation of confined disposal facilities (CDF) leachate. The background,
rationale, and tiered framework for application of these procedures are discussed in
Chapter 6 of the main text of this Upland Testing Manual (UTM). Two test
procedures are included in this appendix:
a. Sequential Batch Leachate Test (SBLT).
b. Pancake Column Leach Test (PCLT).
D.2 Theoretical Basis and Considerations for
A basic understanding of the theoretical aspects of interphase contaminant
transfer is necessary for informed interpretation of leachate testing results.
Contaminant migration via leachate seepage is a porous-medium contaminant
transport problem (Figure D-1). Leaching is defined as interphase transfer of
contaminants from dredged material solids to the pore water surrounding the
solids and the subsequent transport of these contaminants by pore water seepage.
Interphase mass transfer during dredged material leaching is a complicated
interaction of many elementary processes and factors affecting these processes
(Figure D-2). A complete description of all these processes, factors, and
interactions is not presently possible. Instead, a lumped variable, the distribution
coefficient, is used to describe the distribution of contaminant between aqueous
and solid phases.
D.2.1 Equilibrium Assumption
In order for contaminants to cross the interface between dredged material
solids and water, a difference in chemical potentials must exist. Chemicals
migrate from a region of high chemical potential to a region of low chemical
Appendix D Leachate Testing Procedures
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