![]() Levels of a for tests of equality of variances are provided in Table L-2; these
depend upon number of replicates in a treatment (n) and allotment of replicates
among treatments (design). Relatively high a 's are recommended because the
power of the above tests for equality of variances is rather low when n is small.
Equality of variances is rejected if the probability associated with the test
statistic is less than the appropriate a . If the test for equality of variances is
significant even after transformation, the t-test for unequal (separate) variances
should be selected rather than the t-test for equal (pooled) variances.
Nonparametric Tests. Tests such as the t-test, which analyze the original
or transformed data and which rely on the properties of the normal distribution,
are referred to as parametric tests. Nonparametric tests, which do not require
that data be normally distributed, generally analyze the ranks of data, comparing
medians rather than means. The median of a sample is the middle or 50th
percentile observation when the data are ordered from smallest to largest. In
many cases, nonparametric tests can be performed simply by converting the data
to ranks or normalized ranks, and then conducting the usual parametric test
procedures on the ranks.
Nonparametric tests are useful because of their generality but may have less
statistical power than corresponding parametric tests when the parametric test
assumptions are met.
When parametric tests are not appropriate for comparisons because the
normality assumption is not met, we recommend converting the data to
normalized ranks (rankits). Rankits are simply the z-scores expected for the rank
in a normal distribution. Thus, using rankits imposes a normal distribution over
all the data, although not necessarily within each treatment. Rankits can be
obtained by ranking the data, then converting the ranks to rankits using the
following formula:
rankit = z [(rank - 0.375) / (N + 0.25)]
z = normal deviate
N = total number of observations
For example, the approximate rankit for the sixth lowest value (rank = 6) of
20 observations would be z[(6 - 0.375)/(20 + 0.25)], which is z0.278 or -0.59.
In SAS, normalized ranks or rankits can be provided in PROC RANK with
the NORMAL = BLOM option. In SYSTAT and other packages, the ranks must
be converted to rankits using the formula above (the conversion is a one-line
command). In some programs the conversion may be more difficult to make,
especially if functions to provide z-scores for any probability are not available.
When rankits cannot easily be calculated, the original data may be converted to
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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