![]() In comparisons involving only two treatments, there is no real need to test
assumptions on the rankits or ranks; simply proceed with a one-tailed t-test for
unequal variances using the rankits or ranks.
Statistical Power. For a t-test, the basic formula for calculating the sample
size (number of replicate experimental units, n) per treatment necessary to
provide a specified power (1 - ) to detect a given effect size (d) is:
n = 2 ( t 1-α ,v + t 1-β ,v )2 ( s 2/ d 2 )
v = degrees of freedom (df) or (n1 + n2 - 2)
t1-,v = Student t-value for probability 1 - and v df
d = the effect size or difference to be detected.
Recall that is the probability of committing a Type II error. This formula
for n must be solved iteratively, because an initial value of n must be used to
determine v. A new n is then calculated using the initial value, and the process
is repeated until n and v are consistent. The iterative process can be tedious if
computer programs are not used. It is easier to use the following approximate
formula (from Alldredge 1987):
n = 2 ( z 1-α + z 1-β )2 ( s 2/ d 2 ) + 0.25( z 1-α )
z1-a = normal deviate for 1 - a
z1- = normal deviate for 1 -
0.25(z21-a) = correction term to increase sample size when n is small
Calculated n derived from this formula should be regarded as approximate
for n < 5. Regardless of which formula is used, a fractional n is always rounded
up to the next integer.
A useful exercise when sample sizes are fixed because of budget or logistic
constraints is to calculate the power of the test to detect a specific effect size (d).
In a test comparing 100 percent elutriate survival with dilution water survival, d
is some selected reduction in mean 100 percent elutriate survival from mean
dilution water survival. Equation L-8 can be rearranged and solved for t1- to
determine the power:
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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