![]() Bartlett's Test (from SYSTAT) and FN both indicated that the variances of
arcsine-transformed data were not significantly different for the two treatments,
with P > 0.10 (a level from Table L-2, n = 5, balanced design). Thus, on the
basis of these tests, we would proceed with a t-test for equal variances (7).
Two-sample t-tests. Table L-4 provides the results of t-tests for equal (7)
and unequal variances (8). The t-test for equal variances indicated that survival
in the 100 percent elutriate was significantly (P < 0.05) less than in the dilution
water (9). If the data had been normally distributed with unequal variances, the
t-test for unequal variances would have been used. With the example data, both
test results are the same, but this will not always be the case.
Nonparametric Test. Nonparametric tests would generally not be
performed on these data because the sample data did not depart significantly
from a normal distribution. However, the data were converted to rankits (10),
and a t-test for unequal variances (11) was conducted on the rankits (SAS Pro-
gram WATTOX) for illustrative purposes. The t-test indicated that median
survival in the 100 percent elutriate was significantly lower than in the dilution
water (Table L-4).
Statistical Power. The difference in survival between the 100 percent
elutriate and the dilution water was so large (63 percent) that it was easily
detected (declared significant), even though there were only five replicates per
treatment. The power of a t-test to detect such a large decrease in survival (d =
0.848 on the arcsine scale) when n = 5 and s = 0.1055 (also on the arcsine scale)
is >0.99. However, it is reasonable to ask if n = 5 is adequate for detecting
smaller differences. For example, what sample size would be required to pro-
vide a 0.95 chance (1 - = 0.95; z1- = 1.645) of detecting a reduction of
survival to 80 percent, with a = 0.05 (z1-a = 1.645)? In the example data, mean
arcsine-transformed dilution water survival was 1.4806 (99 percent survival;
back-transformation of means of transformed values will not be the same as
means based on original data, although the difference is trivial in this case); the
arcsine-transformed value for 80 percent survival is 1.1071, giving a reduction
(d) of 0.3736 on the arcsine scale; and the pooled s was 0.1055. Using
Equation L-14:
n = 2(1.645 + 1.645 )2 (0.1055 2/0.3736 2 ) + 0.25(1.645 2 ) = 2.40 (L-14)
Rounding up gives n = 3. A more exact iterative computer program
(SYSTAT DESIGN) based on t-values (Equation L-13) also yields n = 3. The
sample size required for a 0.95 probability of detecting a reduction in survival to
90 percent is n = 6, again calculated with the iterative program. The minimum
significant difference (i.e., the difference we have a 0.50 probability of
detecting) when n = 5 is t0.95,8(2s2/n)2 or 1.86[2(0.10552/5)]2 = 0.1241. Sub-
tracting that from the mean transformed dilution water survival, and back-
transforming gives 95.5 percent survival. In other words, given the example
data, the test can be expected to detect a reduction in survival from .99 percent
to .95-96 percent approximately half the time.
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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