![]() The data do not fit the Probit (or Logistic) models.
calculated and compared over an extended time series (i.e., for tracking reference
toxicant results), because inevitably, one or more data sets will fail to meet the
requirements for the Probit, TSK, or Logistic methods. Linear Interpolation may
also be used if programs for the other methods are unavailable, but we strongly
recommend that investigators have programs available for one or more of the
other methods.
the two concentrations with mortality nearest to, and on either side of 50 percent.
The interpolation is made on a log concentration scale, using the following
(50 - M L )( logCU ) + ( M U - 50)( logC L )
LC 50 = antilog
MU - M L
CL = concentration with mortality nearest to and below 50 percent
CU = concentration with mortality nearest to and above 50 percent
ML = percent mortality at CL
MU = percent mortality at CU.
If there are no partial mortalities, the formula simplifies to:
LC 50 = ( CU ) ( C L )
For the example data given in Table L-3, CL = 25 percent elutriate
(log = 1.398); ML = 28 percent mortality; CU = 50 percent elutriate (log = 1.699);
and MU = 54 percent mortality. Therefore:
(50 - 28) (1.699) + (54 - 50) (1.398)
LC 50 = antilog
54 - 28
or 44.9 percent.
The formula and example given above express mortality on an arithmetic
(untransformed) scale. Some computer programs or investigators may use
arcsine-transformed mortalities (Stephan 1977; see Section L., Tests of
Assumptions). One could also express mortality on a probit or logit scale, if
there were one partial mortality on each side of 50 percent. In those cases, the
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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