![]() 4
Dredging Operational
Characteristics Analyses
This chapter presents the dredge's operational characteristics analyses. These
analyses were conducted to determine the Beachbuilder's ability to dredge and
place material in a designated marsh construction site, and to provide MVN with
production information. This information can be used as a basis for future cost
estimates to evaluate the feasibility of using this dredging method at the HOP and
other sections on the Mississippi River. These analyses are presented to address
the following aspects:
Dredge Maneuvering Characteristics:
Actual time interval required to move the hard point.
Actual time intervals required for handling anchors.
Delay intervals when dredging is halted for vessel passage categorized
for different locations (i.e., RDB or LDB halves of the channel) and
vessel sizes.
Amount of time required to back down and reposition for each cut.
Cross-channel maneuvering capabilities (lateral maneuvering speed)
Results of pilot survey regarding dustpan use in navigation channel.
Dredge Production Characteristics:
Individual advance rates per cut and average rates for entire project.
Average bank height for each advance.
Total production and production rate for each advance.
Average production rates for entire demonstration.
Estimation of high and low range of average production rates.
Time-series plots of production.
Chapter 4
Dredging Operational Characteristics Analyses
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