![]() should first consider the long-time behavior of Equation B27 when the sediment
nant is not subject to significant depletion by either degradation or migration
through the cap, the flux through the cap ultimately reaches that given by
as t
U (C0
That is, the contaminant flux due to advection approaches that which would be
observed if no cap were placed over the sediment. In such a situation, the cap
can be viewed only as a temporary confinement measure until the sediment is
removed or depletion renders the contaminant harmless. It should be empha-
sized, however, that this will only occur when depletion of contaminant in the
capped sediment is negligible, a conservative assumption that may significantly
overestimate the flux of contaminant through the cap. This assumption is com-
pared with more realistic approaches in an example below.
In the advection-dominated case, it is important to examine the transient
release of the contaminant. The conditions on Equation B27 that are appropriate
for a cap include
cap sediment interface (z 0)
cap water interface (z Leff)
(Generally Cw
0) (B30)
initial cap concentration
Available analytical solutions describe only homogeneous cap properties and do
not satisfy the cap-water interface condition of Equation B30. Instead there are
two approximate conditions that are commonly applied instead of the cap-water
interface condition.
(finite cap)
at z
as z
(infinite cap)
The first explicitly recognizes the finite thickness of the cap, while the second
assumes that it is infinitely thick. The solution subject to the finite boundary
condition is given by Cleary and Adrian (1973), while the solution subject to the
infinite boundary condition can be found in Carslaw and Jaeger (1959). For
Pe > 1, however, the concentration and flux predictions of either model are
essentially identical. Moreover, for Pe < 1 when diffusion dominates, the given
finite cap condition is inappropriate and causes the solution to underpredict the
contaminant flux through the cap. The solution for the infinite cap is also
simpler to use. For these reasons, only the infinite cap model will be described
in this section. However, the full boundary conditions of Equation B30 or
heterogeneous sediment properties can be described using numerical solvers as
illustrated in the example.
Appendix B Model for Chemical Containment by a Cap
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