![]() equality of variances. If these assumptions are not violated, an LSD test is then
performed on the rankits (Conover 1980, refers to this as van der Waerden's
Test). Tests performed on rankits are robust to departures from normality and
can still be used when the normality assumption is violated. Rankits will rarely
fail tests for normality, partly because a normal distribution is imposed over the
entire data set. The rankit data may fail the test for equality of variances, but
then t-tests can be conducted for each treatment - reference comparison. If
rankit-transformed data fail normality tests, it is probably safest to use the t-tests
for unequal variances, as some tests for equality of variance are not robust when
data are nonnormal.
When rankits cannot be easily calculated, the original data may be converted
to ranks (using SAS PROC RANK, for example). Equality of variances should
be tested after the data are ranked. There is a common misconception that
nonparametric tests can be used when variances are not equal as well as when
data are not normally distributed. However, nonparametric tests are not very
robust if the variances of the ranks are not similar among treatments. Bartlett's
Test should not be used to test equality of variances of ranks, as ranks will
follow a uniform, rather than a normal distribution, and Bartlett's Test is unduly
sensitive to nonnormality. Other tests discussed in Section L., Tests for
Equality of Variances, may be used on ranks; there are also nonparametric tests
for equality of variances provided by Conover (1980).
If the variances of the ranks are not significantly different, the Conover
T-Test (Conover 1980) should be performed. This test can most easily be con-
ducted by performing an LSD test on the ranks. If the variances of ranks are
significantly unequal, a one-tailed t-test for unequal variances should be
performed (using ranks) for each treatment - reference comparison.
Dunn=s Test, as described in Hochberg and Tamhane (1987), is an acceptable
nonparametric alternative to the Conover T-Test or the LSD on rankits.
Statistical Power. Power calculations for the LSD test are the same as for
the t-test (Equation L-8), except that the degrees of freedom for t1-a and t1- are N
- k, and MSE replaces s2:
n = 2 ( t 1-α ,v + t 1-β ,v )2 (MSE/ d 2 )
If the z-approximation (Equation L-9 with MSE replacing s2) is used to
calculate samples size, the result will be a slight overestimate, although the
overestimation is rarely of practical importance. Finally, the minimum
significant difference should be reported for LSD tests. Note that the test is
named the Least Significant Difference because another way to conduct the test
is to compare the observed differences to the minimum significant difference.
If power (1 - ) is low because of high variability or small sample size, one
effective method of increasing power is to increase the number of reference
replicates rather than increase the sample size for each treatment. It is even
possible to increase power without increasing overall sample size by increasing
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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